Hey, my name is Léo. 👋

Passionate about computers since my childhood, I chose a computer school to be a software engineer. Today, I am in my fifth and last year at Epitech Paris.


July 2019

Getting Baccalauréat STI2D (option SIN)

September 2019

Starting Epitech PGE


September - December 2020

Working at Chartres Metropole - Innovation Numérique (full-time internship)


December 2021

Working at Centreon as Backend Intern (part-time internship)


April-June 2022

Switching part-time to full-time internship at Centreon

September 2022-April 2023

Studying Computer Science in Québec at UQAR


September 2023-February 2024

Working at Centreon as SRE Intern (part-time internship)


March 2024-Today

Working at Centreon as SRE




Discord bot in Java

A fun and administrative discord bot made with Java. The bot contains some games, like Connect 4 and Rock Paper Scissors, play music and come with a few administrative commands.


Discord bot sharing news written in Java         

A discord bot sharing news from different RSS sources. The bot is made with Java and uses the Javacord library.

Discoboom2k Maker

A simple playlist maker from Apple Music to Spotify

Copy your Apple Music playlist and convert it to a Spotify playlist. The project is made with JavaScript and uses scrapper to get the data from Apple Music.

AS4242423706 on DN42

Experimental project on DN42

I want to know, how ISP works and how everything works on internet. To do that, I have to create my own AS on the DN42 network.

Docker containers for CI

Docker containers

At Epitech, we need to test if the code is able to compile on Linux and Windows. To do that, I have created some Docker containers to test the code.

Object detection in image

Detect object in images

Detect object in images using the SSD MobileNet model. The project is made with React Native (Expo) and TensorFlow.


A svelte web interface for Llama

LLaMa-Web is a web interface to chat with LLMs based on LLaMa model.

GitOps infrastructure

My GitOps repository for my homelab/"prod"

I am looking to solve some problems associated with self-hosted applications at home. So I have started migrating part of my infrastructure to Kubernetes.